Sunday, October 19, 2008

What I have learned in this Cluster so far...

In my HUC 120 ( mass media ) class so far I have learned how much the media influenced the world around me. everything from the books we read to the television programs we watch are all there to some how persuade in some form. Many of the article I read in new papers and magazines aren't all facts as I once thought. Almost all of them are bits and pieces of the truth combined together to make a good story. I never noticed how many ads where in magazines, trying to get me to buy there product until I entered this cluster.
ENG 101/103 (English) has help me realize that I'm not good of a writer, especially when it comes to in class essays. Now that I know where I need help I can begin to focus on those problems and become a better writer.
HUC 270 (American Film) I would have to say is the worse class for me. I don't feel I am really learning anything. I find many of the films shown uninteresting and I usually end up falling asleep.
The most challenging part of this cluster for me is the fact that I always leave things to the last minute which prevents me from spending much time on my assignments so they don't always coming out so well. Over the next few weeks the challenges I expect to face are doing well on my mid-terms and handing in my assignments completed and on time.

1 comment:

Lisha said...

i agree the american film class is a little boring and not fun. I also agree that i have learned alot in mass media also. I learned a lot that i haven't learned before.